How To Apply

Applications for the show are processed through Juried Art Services, a digital jurying and application system. However, all jurying will be blind, done by local jurors who are familiar with the Art, for Heaven’s Sake! show. Applications are open March 3 through July 18, 2025.

    1. Click here to go to

    2. You will be on the Home Page for Art, for Heaven’s Sake!

    3. If you have questions or problems, contact or Sondra Hodson at

    4. Submit your application by JULY 18, 2025. 

All applications, including those from artists who have exhibited with us before, must be submitted with 4 photographs of each type of current work to be exhibited.

This show is blind juried. You are judged solely on the images that you submit.

You must submit a photo of your booth to be considered for the show. If you do not have a photo of your booth, you may submit a detailed drawing depicting what your booth will look like.

You must submit at least 4 images representative of the work to be exhibited and 1 of one of your booth display. The work must be representative of what will be exhibited in the show. Each type of media that you plan to show must be represented in your images.

The work submitted by each artist is juried based on the following criteria:

Artistic Theme: design, vision, creativity

Technical Competence: technique, skill, degree of difficulty, mastery of materials


As part of the application process, you must also submit an artist statement.  We recommend a description that provides a balance between material, technique, and inspiration. Statements are read by the jurors and used for publicity purposes.

Jurors will see your statement. Please DO NOT include your name in the statement.

Note: If you are showing paintings or other hanging work, you must complete the dimension requirement on the application. If you work in three-dimensional areas such as ceramics, jewelry, etc., the dimension requirement is optional.


Fine Arts                                                         

Space Allocation for artists: Our show format allows each artist approximately 10’ by 10’ of display area. Your exhibit must conform to the high standards of the show. The show is limited to approximately 70 exhibitors. Artists will be notified of their selection by AUGUST 18, 2025.

Craft Boutique

We will have a small number of spaces open in our craft boutique.

Space Allocation for crafters: You will get a table that is 72″ x 30″.  Your exhibit must conform to the high standards of the festival. Due to limited space, only one table per person is allowed depending on number of applicants.

SHOW STANDARDS: Art, for Heaven’s Sake! is open only to original items created by the exhibitor. Should you attempt to supplement your inventory with commercial or manufactured items, you will be asked to remove them, so please do not bring such items with you. Our Festival is juried from photos and descriptions provided, therefore the quality of your photo presentation is important. Decisions of the jury are final.

ABOUT THE SHOW :  Art, for Heaven’s Sake! is the premier art show in our region. The show provides a showcase for the artist to exhibit and sell work in an inviting setting. The event begins with a reception on Friday evening with musical entertainment. Artists must be present to meet and visit with our over 2000 guests and customers who attend during the course of the show. Over the years, this show has proven its value. In 17 hours of operation, it grosses well over $125,000…our customers come ready to buy!


Friday, October 17, 6 pm to 9:00 pm

Saturday, October 18, 10 am to 7 pm

Sunday, October 19, 11:30 am to 5 pm

FEES AND COMMISSIONS FOR ARTISTS:  The application fee for artists is $25 and is non-refundable. The acceptance fee is $100. A 20% commission will be taken on each piece sold. All sales and sales tax are processed through the show by show cashiers. All major credit cards are accepted. Proceeds from the 20% commission go to Redlands United Church of Christ a 501c3 charitable organization.

FEES AND COMMISSIONS FOR CRAFTERS: The application entry fee for crafters is $15.00 and is non-refundable. The acceptance fee is $35.00 for a 70 X 32-inch table.  Additional tables MAY be available depending on number of applicants.  A 20% commission will be taken on each piece sold. All sales and sales tax are processed through the show by show cashiers. All major credit cards are accepted. Proceeds from the 20% commission go to Redlands United Church of Christ a 501c3 charitable organization.

PUBLICITY: We provide publicity, including social media, the Internet, our website, newspaper, radio, and cable TV. In addition, we provide hard copy and electronic announcement cards upon request.

SET UP: This is an indoor/outdoor show and, as mentioned above, the space size allocated to each artist is approximately 10’ by 10’.

DISPLAY: You must provide your own display boards, pedestals, showcases, and lighting. We provide general lighting for all exhibit areas, but it is not adequate to fully display artwork.

CANOPIES: All canopies must be blue or white 10 x 10 feet with straight legs. If you need a canopy supplied by the show, there is a $45 charge for the weekend.

CRAFT BOUTIQUE: The craft boutique will take place primarily indoors. Tables are provided.

SECURITY: Your artwork is NOT insured by the Show. A security service will be on duty whenever the show is not in progress. We hope you will submit an application for our 46th annual show. We would love to have you join the outstanding group of artists that make Art, for Heaven’s Sake! a venue people look forward to year after year!

ARTIST INVITATION LIST:  If you wish to be put on our Artist Invitation List for notification of future shows, scan below or request this at  

Information for Returning Artists on How to Apply to the Show