PastelsLinda Willason

” My vision of my world changed as soon as I began to paint, I see beauty everywhere.”
Linda didn’t set out to be an artist. It was an accident. She was offered a ticket to a Redlands Conservancy Party for the Emerald Necklace fundraising event by a friend who couldn’t go at the last minute.
It was an event to learn about pastel painting. She thought, “what the heck, might as well give it a go”. It was instant love for her. That began her love of painting and pastels in particular. She states, ” My vision of my world changed as soon as I began to paint, I see beauty everywhere.”
Linda has painted all sorts of subjects but found her greatest success by painting Redlands. Her home town is such an inspiring place with the history, architecture and surrounding mountains.
Everywhere she looks, she finds the inspiration to paint the places and people that fill this uniquely beautiful town. In addition to paintings, many of her pieces are available on coasters, notecards, mini-puzzles, earrings, etc.